Exercise : 2D Drawing

(1.1)  Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in Inches and degrees(angles).

Exercise 1.1

(1.2)  Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in Centimeters and degrees(angles).

Exercise 1.2

(1.3)  Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in Centimeters.
Exercise 1.3

(1.4)  Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in Meters.
Exercise 1.4

(1.5) Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in inches. 
Exercise 1.5
(1.6) Draw the following diagram using AutoCAD. All units are in inches.

Exercise 1.6

(1.7) Create aerofoil by using below coordinates (use Spline Fit).


From exercise 1.8 to 1.35, available in below pdf file please download and save it in your folder.

Click on this link for exercise 1.8 to 1.35


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